Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Your lips produce a sound so sweet and warm

I had voice lessons today. I LOVE IT! It was fun. Imagine, I'm learning how to sing!! Haha. I was taught again how to inhale: fill your belly with air and raise your ribcage, then slowly, slowly, exhale. I was taught exercises to help ease my breathing. First I fill my belly with air, then pull it in and contract my abdominal muscles, until I feel a pressure in the muscles in my back. I do that ten times. For exercise. I sang the song beautifully. "When You Say Nothing At All". Ma'am said I improved when I applied her teachings. She let me rest 5 minutes. I drank a bit of water from the bottle and SMS'd my mamy to tell her to ask Tita Monette about th e 30 days of gym workouts. Tomorrow, Inday and I will go to Sousa to try their video-oke at her friend's boss' house. I took a pic of the 'sala' or studio where we do our lessons. :)
After our lesson we had a heart-to-heart talk about everything OMG. She's a psych grad and she explained to me in detail the workings of the brain and gave very good examples. I think it was almost 5 when I went on home. Our lesson started at 3 PM this afternoon. The title of this post is for my Ma'am Vicky Diaz. She tutored Nicole of Pinoy Pop Superstar on GMA7. I admire her. Yeah
voice lesson - 2nd day,
voice tutor
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Day of Voice Lesson
Wow, today's my first day to learn how to sing! Yayyyy! I should be worried about if my voice could weather the turmoils of vocalization. I'll tell you later how it goes. ;)
Wow, I had my first voice lesson! Hehe! It was fun. Very fun. I learned so muchhh. How to breathe, how to depress my tongue while singing, how to fluff my cheeks while singing Beeee, to practice holding my breath for 15 seconds, to take a breath before attempting to sing, the different kinds of breathing, vocalization (the funnest part), and she told me to try stretching my spinal cord. She told me not to eat junk food, salty food, carbonated drinks, cold drinks, spicy food and some other thing I couldn't remember. She taught me proper posture while standing, which is up straight, as a support to my upper body. The different kinds of inhaling and exhaling are quick-slow, slow-quick, quick-quick and slow-slow. She said to take care not to let myself inhale fumes while outside and not to let myself be sunned down on. She's very careful with me, very nice. After lessons, she said she lets her students rest for 5 minutes so that their vocal chords can calm down. I Loved it!!!
Wow, I had my first voice lesson! Hehe! It was fun. Very fun. I learned so muchhh. How to breathe, how to depress my tongue while singing, how to fluff my cheeks while singing Beeee, to practice holding my breath for 15 seconds, to take a breath before attempting to sing, the different kinds of breathing, vocalization (the funnest part), and she told me to try stretching my spinal cord. She told me not to eat junk food, salty food, carbonated drinks, cold drinks, spicy food and some other thing I couldn't remember. She taught me proper posture while standing, which is up straight, as a support to my upper body. The different kinds of inhaling and exhaling are quick-slow, slow-quick, quick-quick and slow-slow. She said to take care not to let myself inhale fumes while outside and not to let myself be sunned down on. She's very careful with me, very nice. After lessons, she said she lets her students rest for 5 minutes so that their vocal chords can calm down. I Loved it!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Signed Up!!!
*Drumroll* I enrolled for voice lessons, would you believe?? I'm so glad. I think it's going to be awesome!!
Here's what happened:
I took 10 pesos from lolo's jar of coins and told him I'm going to the Lontocs'. So I walked to the intersection and hailed a tricycle. I paid him as I sat inside. When I arrived at the old house I told Mrs. Lontoc that I will wait for my mamy outside. After about a few minutes, she finally arrived and she parked near the Angelica Press. walked over to her and waited for her to see me. When she did I pointed her to which house we're going. When we got inside she greeted Mrs. Lontoc and the other woman who was there with her. She told us to go upstairs to the 'sala' or living room. We saw Ms. Vic Diaz sleeping on the couch.
She told about her life story after my mom mentioned that I recently stopped schooling. In fact, I just started schooling this sem. Hehehe. People like to help. That's pleasing to me.
Here's my schedule. Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 AM. My classes end 10:30 so I'll just eat a snack before going to the house.
Here's what happened:
I took 10 pesos from lolo's jar of coins and told him I'm going to the Lontocs'. So I walked to the intersection and hailed a tricycle. I paid him as I sat inside. When I arrived at the old house I told Mrs. Lontoc that I will wait for my mamy outside. After about a few minutes, she finally arrived and she parked near the Angelica Press. walked over to her and waited for her to see me. When she did I pointed her to which house we're going. When we got inside she greeted Mrs. Lontoc and the other woman who was there with her. She told us to go upstairs to the 'sala' or living room. We saw Ms. Vic Diaz sleeping on the couch.
She told about her life story after my mom mentioned that I recently stopped schooling. In fact, I just started schooling this sem. Hehehe. People like to help. That's pleasing to me.
Here's my schedule. Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 AM. My classes end 10:30 so I'll just eat a snack before going to the house.
My Bad!!!
I woke up knowing we got classes today. Did the usual things, the only thing different is I got on my computer today. I woke up early so I had more things I could do. On the way to school, Mamy told me to go to the Lontoc's to inquire about enrollment for voice lessons. Oh my, I LOVE the idea. I said, "Ok." Then got out of the car.
After that I showed the security guards my temporary ID, which was a lame piece of paper but it's my ticket to get inside the school. They asked me to write into the log book. Then he said, "I'll just put a warning sign on your temp ID. I sort of got a lil flustered because well, I didn't want to get a warning ticket. Then he said something like it's okay. You'll just get a renewed temp ID. Lol.
When my class for Filipino started, my teacher (Ma'am Belen Maningula), she said impishly that she's going to have a quiz today. We all groaned. But it's 'tuloy' whether we like it or not. I suddenly got a little nervous, I studied and reviewed but I didn't know the answers to her quiz. Some of them I know. OMG I dunno, lol. So I just did my best. And my best can be noted. I only got I think 4 out of 18. Can you believe that??? OMG. Anyway, she asked the class how many syllables are there in the word "magdoktora"? She called the first kid to write the answer on the blackboard. mag doktor a . Then some other boy raised his hand and Ma'am called him. He strolled up the board and wrote: mag doktor doktora. Then I wanted to recite too. My answer was: doktor doktora. Lol. She explained beforehand that a syllable (?) is the root word that contains a meaning. I didn't get it at all. I'll ask her on Thursday.
After Fili212 I talked to Paopae. I lent her my book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. I still have her book with me "To Kill A Mockingbird". Then our classmate asked if it's the forbidden book by Anne Rice I was talking about. I said, "Heck no!" and I slapped him lightly on the shoulder. =D
I asked Paopae to accompany me to the Diaz Music Studio. She said she'll just point me the house and I could inquire. I acquiesced. There I talked with the house owner, Mrs. Lontoc, and we talked about Lola Deling, my Lolo Papang, and my family and Dr. Areola, too. They're quite knowledgeable about my family, lol. She said Lolo have been her teacher in Accounting (?).
After that I went back home.
After that I showed the security guards my temporary ID, which was a lame piece of paper but it's my ticket to get inside the school. They asked me to write into the log book. Then he said, "I'll just put a warning sign on your temp ID. I sort of got a lil flustered because well, I didn't want to get a warning ticket. Then he said something like it's okay. You'll just get a renewed temp ID. Lol.
When my class for Filipino started, my teacher (Ma'am Belen Maningula), she said impishly that she's going to have a quiz today. We all groaned. But it's 'tuloy' whether we like it or not. I suddenly got a little nervous, I studied and reviewed but I didn't know the answers to her quiz. Some of them I know. OMG I dunno, lol. So I just did my best. And my best can be noted. I only got I think 4 out of 18. Can you believe that??? OMG. Anyway, she asked the class how many syllables are there in the word "magdoktora"? She called the first kid to write the answer on the blackboard. mag doktor a . Then some other boy raised his hand and Ma'am called him. He strolled up the board and wrote: mag doktor doktora. Then I wanted to recite too. My answer was: doktor doktora. Lol. She explained beforehand that a syllable (?) is the root word that contains a meaning. I didn't get it at all. I'll ask her on Thursday.
After Fili212 I talked to Paopae. I lent her my book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. I still have her book with me "To Kill A Mockingbird". Then our classmate asked if it's the forbidden book by Anne Rice I was talking about. I said, "Heck no!" and I slapped him lightly on the shoulder. =D
I asked Paopae to accompany me to the Diaz Music Studio. She said she'll just point me the house and I could inquire. I acquiesced. There I talked with the house owner, Mrs. Lontoc, and we talked about Lola Deling, my Lolo Papang, and my family and Dr. Areola, too. They're quite knowledgeable about my family, lol. She said Lolo have been her teacher in Accounting (?).
After that I went back home.
Monday, August 18, 2008
We Took A Hike
We'd been planning to go to PC Hill this afternoon. So we did. I got into my sweat pants and white shirt and sandals, no rubber shoes, my feet will just get skinned. Anna had a similar attire. When we neared two roads she asked me, "Which way?" I said, "Diretso" *Straight up*. Then she said, "Ah dito pala" *So this is the way*. I said "Yes, we will climb the stone steps going up the hill". When I began to climb, she was already skipping up the steps. I said, "Feel na feel mo ha" *You're really feelin' it* I grinned and laughed a lil'. Then I pointed her to the right direction and I said, "Up there to the left is the House of Correction". She said, "Why are they in prison?" I replied, "Coz they did something bad." I wasn't aware that time that she wanted me to say something funny. Coz we all know why people are in prison. "Where are they?" she asked. I said, "There," pointing to the people, "Those people who are waving at us." And yes, the prisoners were waving their hands. Every time I happen to see them in the prison they're always waving at passers-by.
Then we went over to the Cotabato Cave (Kutawato Cave). We peeked at it then went to walk up the upper part of the hill. There we saw the marvelous view of the City. It's breathtaking. We passed a barbecue stand but we ignored it, because we didn't bring any money with us. I told her to watch the people play basketball in the courts and to peek inside the park beside them. She refrained from doing that because she's scared of the people. She's not a native here. She's from Pikit, North Cotabato. After that, we went back down, and I suggested that we go to the different parts of the hill, but she said, "Wag na lang," *I don't think we should* She's the shy type, that's why. There are plenty of people at the other side of the hill, and she didn't want to be seen.
We walked on down the hill to go home. As we did, Anna said, "Tapon ta" *Tumawid tayo* In English it means, "Let's go to the other side of the street". We were walking on the sidewalk when a green van stopped beside us. When we looked, they were opening the seats and the door. We thought they were the rebels who will kidnap us, as if we are kidnap-worthy. And then the man inside said, "Hahayyyy" which is a sigh of complaint. It so happened that the passenger at the back of the van signaled for the driver to stop so he could step out. It's just that the driver stopped the van to where we were standing. And I said, "I thought we were gonna get kidnapped," She added, "May bababa lang pala" *Somebody was just going to step out of the van*.
Then we passed the people living in our street. And this group of three boys said to Anna, "I bet she's gonna laugh again," and Anna said, "Shut up over there," kiddingly. We reached the gate to our house and went inside, my friend said, "It's almost going to rain," pointing the umbrella up in the dusky sky.
Then we went over to the Cotabato Cave (Kutawato Cave). We peeked at it then went to walk up the upper part of the hill. There we saw the marvelous view of the City. It's breathtaking. We passed a barbecue stand but we ignored it, because we didn't bring any money with us. I told her to watch the people play basketball in the courts and to peek inside the park beside them. She refrained from doing that because she's scared of the people. She's not a native here. She's from Pikit, North Cotabato. After that, we went back down, and I suggested that we go to the different parts of the hill, but she said, "Wag na lang," *I don't think we should* She's the shy type, that's why. There are plenty of people at the other side of the hill, and she didn't want to be seen.
We walked on down the hill to go home. As we did, Anna said, "Tapon ta" *Tumawid tayo* In English it means, "Let's go to the other side of the street". We were walking on the sidewalk when a green van stopped beside us. When we looked, they were opening the seats and the door. We thought they were the rebels who will kidnap us, as if we are kidnap-worthy. And then the man inside said, "Hahayyyy" which is a sigh of complaint. It so happened that the passenger at the back of the van signaled for the driver to stop so he could step out. It's just that the driver stopped the van to where we were standing. And I said, "I thought we were gonna get kidnapped," She added, "May bababa lang pala" *Somebody was just going to step out of the van*.
Then we passed the people living in our street. And this group of three boys said to Anna, "I bet she's gonna laugh again," and Anna said, "Shut up over there," kiddingly. We reached the gate to our house and went inside, my friend said, "It's almost going to rain," pointing the umbrella up in the dusky sky.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A book, a very beautiful book
I sneaked into the room where the computer is just waiting for me to have a rendezvous with it, after my sister went back upstairs to bathe. See, it's her time to use the computer on weekends. Hehe. When I approached the computer I saw that she turned it off, meaning she's done with it. But we never knowwww, after her bath she might go back downstairs, probably killed the computer to save electricity. Now I'm back in front of my beloved monitor doing what I love to do. =D And so the adventure begins.
I'm currently reading Harper Lee's Pulitzer prize-winning novel To Kill A Mockingbird. It's nothing short of amazing. Scout, one of the young protagonists, is the narrator of the story. He's part of the story as well. I just want to say that that novel's ingenuous in that it makes the reader laugh and entrances you to get involved in the story, too. It's plot is deceivingly simple, so simple you have to wonder how it reached the criteria for a Pulitzer. Here we can inject the saying, "Simplicity is beauty." And yes it is. It's very beautiful. It's similar to a pretty song phonetic-wise. It has depth, and substance. And it's entertaining. The characters are a major part of that. It depicts of the characters' childhood and growing up, its wonderment and awe and curiosity in things around them. The book is like a warm cup of coffee, because it offers you comfort and reassurance as a book with moral values give.
If this book were a man I'd marry him. LOL
I'm currently reading Harper Lee's Pulitzer prize-winning novel To Kill A Mockingbird. It's nothing short of amazing. Scout, one of the young protagonists, is the narrator of the story. He's part of the story as well. I just want to say that that novel's ingenuous in that it makes the reader laugh and entrances you to get involved in the story, too. It's plot is deceivingly simple, so simple you have to wonder how it reached the criteria for a Pulitzer. Here we can inject the saying, "Simplicity is beauty." And yes it is. It's very beautiful. It's similar to a pretty song phonetic-wise. It has depth, and substance. And it's entertaining. The characters are a major part of that. It depicts of the characters' childhood and growing up, its wonderment and awe and curiosity in things around them. The book is like a warm cup of coffee, because it offers you comfort and reassurance as a book with moral values give.
If this book were a man I'd marry him. LOL
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wow, it's 11:27 PM and there's this truck honking his horn and running the engine so impatiently that I'd like to say, Whoa calm down, you high-spirited stallion, it's Late!! Finally, a bit later, all I can hear again is the whirring of the electric fan on the ground to my left. Of course, it's 'oscillated', as my grandfather would say (I-oscillate mo) *Oscillate the fan*. It basically means, make the fan move. You know where you just push that button-like thing down on top of the fan's neck. It's quite ingenuous of him to use the correct term of the word. Kudos, to you Lolo Papang!
Anyway, I was updating my blogs and made a new one, when I decided to review the blogs that were done, when my eyes settled upon this joke of the day thing I put in my blog. Lol, it was a joke about the anatomy's holes. Dis-gus-to. And I was scared the Adsense monitoring guys wouldn't approve my site - so yes, it's not just the prude in me that took over but the hope of being approved for Adsense. I deleted the gadget thingy right away.
I spent the whole day in front of the computer, LOL! I wanted to get things done and started so later I won't have to do too much. I just created blogs so that next time all I got to do is post in my blogs. I can't wait to get a hold of my sister's digicam. It's going to be so much fun taking pictures outside the house =D.
It's going to be a surprise for you all. I'll take artistic ones and funny ones. I'll post the artistic ones in my separate blog and the other ones in this one. Gonna be so much funnn.
About the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity or BJE, fellow Christians, let's just cross our fingers that they won't pass a law prohibiting people from eating 'baboy'!! That would be the death of us all, well, only those provinces who will be affected. "It's okay if we don't have our rice, but just don't take away our 'baboy'," I can almost hear the pitiful whimpers of protesters on the streets.
As for Gloria dancing the cha-cha, I for one have an eye for good dancers..she's definitely a winner. A good dancer is sensitive to her partner's movements, a good dancer has perfect timing and precision, a good dancer takes dancing seriously. Haha, for all of you who's beginning to taste something funny in his mouth, or suddenly feeling sick, I have a cure for that. Just dance! By the way, we'd like an encore as well!
Anyway, I was updating my blogs and made a new one, when I decided to review the blogs that were done, when my eyes settled upon this joke of the day thing I put in my blog. Lol, it was a joke about the anatomy's holes. Dis-gus-to. And I was scared the Adsense monitoring guys wouldn't approve my site - so yes, it's not just the prude in me that took over but the hope of being approved for Adsense. I deleted the gadget thingy right away.
I spent the whole day in front of the computer, LOL! I wanted to get things done and started so later I won't have to do too much. I just created blogs so that next time all I got to do is post in my blogs. I can't wait to get a hold of my sister's digicam. It's going to be so much fun taking pictures outside the house =D.
It's going to be a surprise for you all. I'll take artistic ones and funny ones. I'll post the artistic ones in my separate blog and the other ones in this one. Gonna be so much funnn.
About the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity or BJE, fellow Christians, let's just cross our fingers that they won't pass a law prohibiting people from eating 'baboy'!! That would be the death of us all, well, only those provinces who will be affected. "It's okay if we don't have our rice, but just don't take away our 'baboy'," I can almost hear the pitiful whimpers of protesters on the streets.
As for Gloria dancing the cha-cha, I for one have an eye for good dancers..she's definitely a winner. A good dancer is sensitive to her partner's movements, a good dancer has perfect timing and precision, a good dancer takes dancing seriously. Haha, for all of you who's beginning to taste something funny in his mouth, or suddenly feeling sick, I have a cure for that. Just dance! By the way, we'd like an encore as well!
pork 'n beans
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